Why are there weapons ?? Why are there soldiers ?? Why does Power exists ?? Is it for killing our own same kind ?? killing own relatives, friends who have different thoughts and believes ?? When can we have peace ?? When will the war end ?? Fight to protect and defend... not kill.. Enter a war where nobody is killed.. Peace is what we belive in !!!!

Thursday, June 30, 2005

Da Extra Hardcore !!!

hey hey... sorry 4 da late updates !!!
Yea.. kinda busy figuring out da TEMPLATES !!!

kk ... by the way this is for last Saturday !!!

Da sweet day begins like this...
I went to school 4 scouts... we were organizing a Telematch !!!! and i was da treasurer 4 this !! omg ... not only that i'm in-charge of a " ... " game ( i dun even know da name) Sad Case !!!

anyway ... da telematch all end around 3 !!! then... i went to Jie How's house 2 tok b4 uition.. Tuition starts at 3:30 !!!! My god ... my TOK time so damn little !!! Haih~~~

after tuition around 6:00... i went back home and change, bath, and eat !! then walk 2 Taman Sea for their campfire (that was 7:00)!!!!

ahhhhh~~~~~~ Juz imagine my hardcoreness... Hehe... Enjoyed though..
Too bad Taman Sea campfire not as (chun) as ours Catholic... haha !!!!

Chs scouts Rock On !!!


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