Why are there weapons ?? Why are there soldiers ?? Why does Power exists ?? Is it for killing our own same kind ?? killing own relatives, friends who have different thoughts and believes ?? When can we have peace ?? When will the war end ?? Fight to protect and defend... not kill.. Enter a war where nobody is killed.. Peace is what we belive in !!!!

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Systemmatic Accounts Seminar !!

Well i've paid RM 60 ealier... hehe.. this seminar shub b useful and able 2 help me in future accounting stuff...

Ends up Have 2 wake up early 2 go to school 2 gather.... Beside that, when we reach there the first thing we do is "TOK" and online !!! Then after damn long only start lessons.... Plus, da lecturer that teach us there... OMG !!! he looks horny teaches softly and the best part !! our exam... We get 2 ask da lecturer how 2 do !!! LOL !!! wierd way of teaching they have !!!

During break time !!! My frens and I all go cyber (which is just next door !!) Enjoyed myself there awhile then back 2 seminar again... the seminar ends at 5pm everyday...
This continues everyday for 2 days !!!

At last after 2 days of this !!! it Ends !!! YAY !!


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