Account TTC Seminar
oo.. today i attended an accounts seminar bout SPM .. yea.. the time stated was from 8:30 morning till 5:30 in the afternoon.. wow .. say is like that la...
i got up 7 in da morning .. wow.. no sun yet... anyway.. k.. skep da crap.. 7:45 got on the car on the way to Sunway University College... yea.. that's the name gua... reach there adi.. Wen Jie and SkkkeelitonKing (Wong Munn Sing) there waiting like "escort" jokin jokin.. they so happen to passs by me..
>> fast forward to when we are in da lecturer hall <<
kk.. We met our teacher mr Timoty ( i think like that spell) he say his fren call him "timun". throughout da seminar .. his COLD jokes none stop coming every minute sure got 1 ...
Due to some technical problem .. da COLD COLD brain-storming seminar ends at 7 ++... so mean we all in da lectuere hall ... for 9 hours .. non stop hardcore account and COLD JOKES !!!
yea.. Wei Liang, Teck Liang, Me, Wen Jie, Yanru, Jac Kee, Wan Xin and another gal .. and and many many other chs ppl attended this seminar .. hehe... kinda fun though.. get 2 bully Wen Jie.. HAHA !!