Why are there weapons ?? Why are there soldiers ?? Why does Power exists ?? Is it for killing our own same kind ?? killing own relatives, friends who have different thoughts and believes ?? When can we have peace ?? When will the war end ?? Fight to protect and defend... not kill.. Enter a war where nobody is killed.. Peace is what we belive in !!!!

Sunday, July 31, 2005

Anime - naruto

i've been watching 2 animes for the beginning of the year till now... and of course QY da great watches high class animes... world-class type not any cheap cartoon... Yup.. One of them is "Naruto" - it's famous throughout the world !!! Yea .. it's a nice anime... takes place in the world of ninjas.. it's hilarious sometimes, has extremely cool ninja moves, stunning climax, etc etc.. a nice anime 2 watch... it's also rated (U).. so it's free from Porn !!! Enjoy !!

Welcome 2 Naruto the anime !!! Plz watch it... it's nice !! and famous !! Posted by Picasa

Sasuke (left) & Naruto (right).. both in their most powerful form.. Sasuke @ Orochimaru's curse.. Naruto @ Nine tails chakra !!!! Posted by Picasa

Haruno Sakura - deadly Sexy !! same team as Naruto and Sasuke...  Posted by Picasa

Kakashi - Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke's sensei a.k.a. teacher !! hehe... very cool huh.. Posted by Picasa

the gang from NARUTO the anime... characters here are >> Iruka sensei, Kakashi sensei, Naruto, Sakura, Sasuke, Hinata, Gaara, Rock Lee, Zabuza and
Shiro Haku.. Sorry ~~ Posted by Picasa

Anyone knows the is wad symbol ?? any1 watches NARUTO ?? this is his 9 tailed Fox seal symbol Posted by Picasa

Gundam Seed & Gundam Seed Destiny

Gundam Seed Destiny ... one of the famous anime in the japan and the whole wide world these days... Yea... It's the sequel to da famous Gundam Seed... this anime not only shows fighting and fighting... killing and killing... It has romance between the characters !!! hehe... and if ur lucky... u get to see some under 18 scenes... such as... striping.. on da bed, etc etchehe... a bit only laa.. hehe..

Gundam Seed Destiny - sequel to Gundam Seed -... this anime is currently kinda HOT all over the world Posted by Picasa

Lunamaria Hawke from Gundam Seed Destiny - a girl pilots a red Zaku !!! not only guys get to pilot a Gundam !! Posted by Picasa

Gundam Seed ~~ the one in blue suit and pilots "Freedom" the blue robot is Kira Yamato (main character)... where as "Justice" the red gundam belongs to the other guy - Athrun Zala (Kira best friend) Posted by Picasa

the 2 main GUNDAM in da show ~ X09A Justice & X10A FreedomPosted by Picasa

Friday, July 29, 2005

OMg !!! Pure CRAP !

2day is da day... Judgement day....
As we all know the inportance of our birthday .. a special day 4 all each of us .. every one of us has a birthday.... that's when we are BORN !!!!

but 2day... it's a bit different a bit.. hehe... their presents "kai Bao" hehe... 4 victims ... TUanLeng, Jie How, BobbY, and Zhien Wei ( celefe)... hehe.. Happy Birthday y'all !!!

after that i "tok" with Li Hui, Richard talking bout prom thingy.. hehe... anyway.. then went 2 darling's house.. yea yea... help her do something * private stuff laa wei * (busyBodies) ... then walk home then tuition time = SLEEPING time... haha ~~~

Omg.. pure crap !!
MuackZz.. this is to calm those who are still shiver out there.. MuackzZz..

Saturday, July 23, 2005

Nothing better 2 do ~~~

ah ~~~
yay, finally seni project over !!! after one week of bloody HARDCORE seni ..... haih~~ last week.. every day around 3 to 5 in the morning sleep... then have 2 wake up so damn early a.... haih.. luckily got my darling there teman me till so late... Thanx !!!! Love ya ~~

So.. 2day i woke up around 6 again ... haih help my bro burn some naruto cds... like slave like that... wad 2 do ~~ brothers ma.. anyway.. then i tried 2 online but the damn damn streamyx a... always like that 1... see the streamyx mood 1... it no mood then dun let me online... haih... hopeless..

O.. then a.. my darling woke up liao... hehe .. she got 2 go school... so talk on the phone awhile.. Haha~~ morning call.. Haha~~

anyway .. did my blog make some MUSIC !!! and then go back 2 sleep... hehe.. lazy le ...
o.. the song thingy a.... still erm erm " betta" (testing) so ... got many many problems... hehe ... sorry guyZ..

yup... evening till now watching Gundam Seed.. hehe.. nice !!!

Peace ~

Saturday, July 16, 2005

Ok ok..More Pics on retirement dinner !!!!

hehe.. SOrry ~~ k k more pics on retirement dinner ~~~
Venue : Cyber (silver)
Time : nite 9:00
because Jie HOW's blog ( plz see my Links ) already have some pics..
So, i just add extra..Yupz ~
Hope u guyZ, gals Enjoy !!!
o ... by the way~
form 5 - 9th pj scouts ROX !!

that's me !!! relax lerr ~~
haha.. so "PRO" of course laa !! haha~~ Posted by Picasa

Enjoying !!! haha .... although after got PAWNED or KILLED !!! XD  Posted by Picasa

Wei Liang !!!! O.. hehe .. as cool as always !!!  Posted by Picasa

Jian Jun a.k.a. Tiger - After Death.. serious-Nya ~~  Posted by Picasa

Jian Jun a.k.a. Tiger - Before Death.. More serious !!! We all like his serious poses !! haha !!!! Posted by Picasa

9th PJ scout rockZ !!!!! as serious as always when play or even work !!!! ROCK ON ~~~
Posted by Picasa